Because I'm an angel.""You are." He stretched out his arm and patted me on the head. "And I'm platonically in love with you.
Shall we start over?' I say.Juliet shrugs. 'No. This has been an important part of our friendship development.
Give your friendships the magic you would give a romance. Because they're just as important. Actually, for us, they're way more important.
I wasn’t going to die alone.I was going to try harder.I wanted forever love.I didn’t want to be loveless.
Theres nothing left for us anymoreWhy aren't you listening?Why aren't you listening to me?Theres nothing left.
She knows now. She knows that the smiles, the romance, the sparkly boy band dream - it's all just fantasy. fantasy and lies.
She has a lot more friends than me, I guess. But that’s all right. I don’t mind. It’s understandable. I’m quite boring; I mean, she’d have a really boring life if she just hung around with me all the time.
I lie with my eyes open and think about everything that has happened in my entire life and it doesn't take me very long to het to where I am now.
I cry and then I don't. There's a text on my phone, but I don't read it. I listen to the dark. They're all coming to get you. Your heartbeats are footsteps. Your brother is unwell. You don't have any friends. Nobody feels bad. for you. Beauty and the Beas